Healing Hearts Ministry Al

A Ministry of Restoration and Healing of Life

Serving In The Community

Today I served at the Revival building on Washington St. across the street from the First Presbyterian Church with Angie McElyea of Hearts For Homeless Ministry. Angie is in the first photo. The Church provided a meal for the individuals that came from the homeless camp today. This was the first shower day that was held at the Revival building. I believe it was 8 people that came today which the number 8 means new beginning. Each participant received a hygiene pack and my ministry Healing Hearts Ministry Alabama provided women and men’s socks. Someone else provided underwear for them. They also had a hair dresser that came and gave hair cuts to the men and women. In the third photo I met John and he allowed me to take his photo and pray for him. He needed hot water at his home and ask that his check would last him to he gets his next one. So I began to pray for Him to trust in Jehovah Jirah His provider to meet His very need. That He is a miracle worker. He is the God of the possible. The God of the impossible. That He would stretch His money for Him. That there would be no lack nor slack in John’s life. Just to put His faith and His trust in Jesus. Then I met Teresa, she began to tell me about herself and her husband Andy how they had lost everything and she needed prayer for healing. I could feel the presence of the Lord as she was speaking and feeling His peace for Her and that He has protected her and her husband. I began to pray healing over her body and restoration of everything that the canker worm, the locust and the caterpiller had come and eaten and stolen from them could be restored back to them 7 fold in the name of Jesus and nothing would be missing or broken in their lives. Romalinda was the last person that came up to the table and she got her socks and began telling me how she got second degree burn to her foot from hot water and showed me the burn and that she has an auto immune disease she found out a year ago. I asked if I could pray for her and she said yes. I plead the blood of Jesus over her and told her that life is in the blood! As I begin to pray for God to touch her body and her blood from the auto immune disease, He revealed to me the sin and said His blood cleanses us from all sin . That He came to set her free. The Lord had me to tell her to quit letting the devil bring up her past that all her sin was in the sea of forgiveness. That she has the victory and to walk in it. They all three thanked me for praying for them but I told them do not thank me, thank the Lord Jesus. I am just a vessel interceding on their behalf. I pray for Hearts For Homeless that the Lord will continue to bless them to be a blessing to the homeless and more and more will continue to come to the shower day for it is a blessing to them and healthy for their bodies.