Healing Hearts Ministry Al

A Ministry of Restoration and Healing of Life

Old Roots and New Seeds

Today I had an appointment with my hairdresser for a haircut, she lost her husband several months ago and has been going through some hard times dealing with a lot.

I love this sweet friend. I shared with her this is a season where God is doing a new thing in the lives of His people. HE is saying can you not perceive it? I told her HE is digging up all those old roots so HE can plant some new seeds to grow. You have to put the past behind and get rid of some stuff to move forward for the healing to begin.

God wants the best for His children. She shared with me a few things during our conversation that the Lord wanted her to be delivered and set free from today. I prayed with her and the Lord said she is free! The chains are broken in Jesus name.

In His Name
