Healing Hearts Ministry Al

A Ministry of Restoration and Healing of Life

Joe and Ashlea

Today I’m traveling home from Huntsville and had a divine encounter across from Taco Bell. There is a man sitting in a wheelchair holding a sign that says “homeless”. He has an amputation to the lower leg and a women is sitting on the curb next to him. His name is Joe and her name is Ashlea. They are from Moulton, Alabama.

He lost his job some time ago and they were at the Downtown Rescue Mission for a while. Ashlea said the women’s side was clean but the men’s side was nasty. Joe was having to climb over the men just to get to the bathroom. That he had to leave his wheelchair at the front door. Ashlea begins to cry as she talks to me and she just wants to go on to heaven. I explained to her that if it is not her time to go that God would not come for her. That we all have an appointed time to leave this earth. She was attacked recently as they have been sleeping in a tent somewhere. Joe was also attacked by this same man and beaten. This man wanted Ashlea to prostitute for him and she refused. They both had to go to the emergency room for treatment.

I talked to them about their faith in Jesus. Joe and Ashlea said she knows if she died she would go to heaven. Joe said he has been saved and baptized. I told them that God had protected them from the attack. To forgive the one that had attacked them. I asked if I could pray for them. God wanted to bring healing, deliverance, freedom, and restoration in their lives. He wanted to break every shackle and chain off of them both in the name of Jesus. I explained to them I could pray to kingdom come over them but they had to believe and receive it in the name of Jesus! I told Ashlea there is power in the name of Jesus and in our tongue and the words we speak, for it speaks life or death. Jesus sent me there to set them free today. For He who the Son sets free is free indeed! I blessed them with hygiene kits, the Word of God and a little money to help them.