Healing Hearts Ministry Al

A Ministry of Restoration and Healing of Life

RT A Friend

I want ya’ll to meet RT. He was pushing a grocery cart down Highway 72 today and the Holy Spirit said turn around. So I pulled in next to the Polaris Dealership and told him about my ministry and I wanted to bless him with some hygiene items. I began to share my faith with him and witnessed to him about Jesus. I told him how much Jesus loves him. He told me twice he knew he would go to Heaven if he died. I asked if I could pray for him and he gave me his request. He asked for shelter and protection. I prayed for this and some other things as the spirit led me. He said everything I said was true. I said it was the Holy Spirit that spoke through me. He thanked me for stopping two times and hugged my neck two times! People need the love of Jesus!